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Academic Performance

District educators believe that a student’s progress is measured not by one assessment at a moment in time, but rather by an entire body of evidence. The body of evidence includes, but is not limited to: projects and performances, common grade or subject-level assessments, teacher-created quizzes and tests, as well as other diagnostic tests administered throughout the school year. 

State Assessment Data

FFC8 students are administered the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessment annually.

  • English Language Arts (ELA) - Grades 3-5

  • Mathematics (Math) - Grades 3-5

  • Science - Grade 5

This data is used to track overall student achievement and growth, as well as monitor any specific growth gaps between student groups.  The data is not received until after the school year is over; therefore, it is most useful as a tool for reflection. 


Local Assessment Data

FFC8 uses a number of high level district assessments to measure general progress in Math and English Language Arts. 

  • Acadience Reading (DIBELS) - Measures students' early literacy skills and helps determine if students are on track to read at grade level (K-3)

Illuminate DNA - Measures students' progress towards mastery of year-long, grade-level standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts (Grades 2-5)

DIBELS 22-23 Growth


Performance: The chart above shows the number of students in each performance category at the beginning (BOY), middle (MOY), and end of year (EOY).   The goal is to reduce the number of students in the red (indicating a possible reading deficiency); and increase the number of students in the green and blue (indicating that students have the necessary tools to read at grade level). 46% "On Track", 23% "On Watch", 31% "Off Track - More growth needed"



Benchmark ELA and Math Performance Levels 

The charts below show the percent of students scoring in each performance category of the Fall and Spring district benchmark assessment (Illuminate DNA).  This comprehensive assessment includes academic skills and standards taught throughout the school year.   The goal is for each student to increase their score by the end of the year, and demonstrate an increase in content knowledge. 

Performance Graphic
  • Abrams 3rd grade students are on track to meet expectations in both ELA and Math by the end of the school year. 
  • In both ELA and Math, 90% of third grade students are scoring a 2, 3 or 4 on midyear assessments
  • As compared to 22- 23 school year data, 3rd grade students are performing at higher levels.
21-22 ELA Illuminate Assessments
  • Explain Data 2-3 sentences
  • 79% of 4th grade students are scoring at a 2, 3 or 4 in the area of ELA.   
  • 81% of 4th grade students are scoring at a 2, 3 or 4 in Math


83% of students increased their Math Illuminate scores
  • Explain Data 2-3 sentences
  • In the area of ELA, 84% of 5th grade students are scoring a 2, 3 or 4.
  • In the area of Math, 93% of 5th grade students at Abrams are scoring a 2, 3 or 4.
  • Math scores are significantly improved when compared to the 22 - 23 school year.